Express Entry
What is the Express Entry Program?
Express entry program allows skilled foreign workers from within or outside Canada to apply for Permanent Residence in Canada.
It is divided into three immigration programs:

Canadian Experience Class
This pathway is for skilled workers who have Canadian work experience.
According to the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC), skilled work experience means work experienced gained in TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3 job categories. Your work experience can be in 1 or more of these categories.
You may be eligible to apply for your Permanent Residence through this category if you:
Meet the required language levels needed for your job for each language ability: writing, reading, listening, and speaking.
Have at least 1 year of paid, skilled work experience in Canada, in the last three years before you apply. Different ways of doing that are:
Full time at 1 or more jobs: 30 hours/week for 12 months, equalling 1,560 hours.
Equal amount in part time work: For example, 15 hours/week for 24 months, totalling 1,560 hours.
Have gained your work experience in Canada while working under temporary resident status with authorization to work.

Federal Skilled Worker Program
This program is suitable for skilled workers with foreign work experience who want to migrate to Canada permanently.
You may be eligible to apply for your Permanent Residence through this category if you:
Have at least 1 year of paid, skilled work experience, within the last 10 years.
The work experience gained must be in TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3 job categories.
Meet the required language levels needed for your job for each language ability: writing, reading, listening, and speaking.
If you went to school in Canada, you must have a certificate, diploma or degree from a Canadian secondary institution or post-secondary institution.
If you have foreign education, you must have a completed credential and an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) from a designated organization showing that your education is equal to a completed certificate, diploma or degree from a Canadian secondary institution or post-secondary institution.

Federal Skilled Trades Program
This could be a viable option for you if you want to become permanent resident in Canada and are qualified in a skilled trade.
You may be eligible to apply for your Permanent Residence through this category if you:
Meet the required language levels needed for your job for each language ability: writing, reading, listening, and speaking.
Have at least 2 years of full-time experience, or an equal amount if part-time experience in a skilled trade within the 5 years before you apply.
meet the job requirements for that skilled trade as set out in the National Occupational Classification, except for needing a certificate of qualification.
have a
valid job offer of full-time employment for a total period of at least 1 year or
certificate of qualification in that skilled trade issued by a Canadian, territorial, or federal authority.